Unfortuately we can not find any results from the 2012 event. If you have any information or know where we can track these results down we would love to hear from you.
By booking & making payment for the race you understand that running has inherent risks. You understand the while the organisers have made reasonable effort to control & minimise risk, this event involves some risk of accidental injury & that you should not enter unless you are physically fit. You are aware of & assume all risk of injury associated with participation in this event, including but not limited to falls, the effects of physical exertion or of weather & the condition of the running course. You relieve the event organisers of any responsibility for damage to your persons or property however caused as a result of attending this event.
NO refunds are available once your entry place is confirmed. Any race changes must be submitted in writing to racedirector at godalmingrun.co.uk or by using the this form.
You hereby grant permission to the organisers to use any photographs, videotapes or any other record of this event in which you are visible in a report of the event. If you do not wish them to so, please let us know via the this form and we will let them know.
Unlikely circumstances may dictate that for reasons beyond our control we are unable to use the proposed race route. This may well happen at the last minute due to issues such as extreme weather, an accident on the route, flooding and more. If this happens all entrants will receive notification by email with details of either a new route, a new race date or discounts for transferring an entry to the following year. No refunds will be issued.
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